Based on the Basic Approval granted by The Minister of Forestry for the Use of the Forestry Area within our 360 hectare in S.Tuboh site at Musi Rawas District, South Sumatera Province, the Company has deposited through the State Treasury, Funds for Reforestation (DR) and a Provision for Forest Resources (PSDH) and submitted an application to the Minister of Forestry for the approval on the utilization of the forestry area for the mining and processing operation for Zinc and its Supporting Minerals on the aforesaid site.
Map issued by Forestry Dept in Palembang South Sumatera for the measurement of Boundery on the 360 ha territory.
Map from Minister of Forestry Office for Basic Approval for the utilization of forestry area for the operation of production of Lead, Zinc and its Supporting Minerals, covering an area of 360 ha.